Learning & Curriculum
At Shine Nursery we have planned a curriculum which:
Engages and excites children
Provides meaningful learning opportunities through experiences
Gives opportunities to build confidence, resilience, curiosity, and learning skills
Promotes spiritual, moral, cultural, social, and personal development
Develops children’s skills and understanding and builds memory
Allows children’s gifts and talents to be fully explored and celebrated
Encourages home and family learning
Uses outdoor experiences to promote learning
Ensures children develop across the 7 Area of Learning: 1) Communication and Language, 2) Personal, Social and Emotional Development, 3) Physical Development, 4) Literacy, 5) Maths, 6) Understanding of the World and 7) Expressive Arts and Design
Develops children’s characteristics of effective learning such as problem solving, resilience, curiosity, and imagination.
Shine Nursery practitioners know the children very well. They know their learning styles, preferences and stages of development and will use every opportunity to further build new vocabulary, skills, knowledge and understanding. The environment provided for the children has some areas that are continuous such as the home corner, the reading area, the block play/ small world area, the art area, sand and water play and the investigation area, but they are enhanced weekly to promote further learning. Shine Nursery also delivers themed learning in Stars and Rainbows to give children a rich vocabulary and the foundations for learning.
Our practitioners have the highest levels of interaction and know that the best way to ensure progress and learning is to:
comment and describe during play and learning
introduce something else to extend the children’s play and learning
model play
suggest a further activity or demonstrate a skill
pose a challenge
question - ‘what, when, where how, why’
reflect on previous learning
relate the learning to the children’s real experiences
make the learning more multi-sensory
act out the learning
recap the learning
ask the child to recap or give an explanation
Sharing Assessment
Parents are sent a copy of ‘What to expect in the EYFS’’ when they register their child. The keyperson will meet with parents to complete information sharing and initial assessments. The keyworker will complete a ‘starting points’ assessment within 2 weeks to inform planning. If the child is two years old this will be shared with parents as part of the ‘Two Year Check’. Keyperson staff assess children’s progress every day and this will inform the planning. If a child needs additional support, then your keyperson will meet with parents throughout each term. For most children a summative assessment is completed in September, January and May and shared with parents through a report and parents meeting (in October, February, and June).
Our Themes
Our babies are provided with resources to develop their physical, communication, self-help, and social skills. Staff build up an awareness of their interests and repeated behaviours and provide commentary and additional experiences to extend their learning and development. The children experience Multi-sensory and Heuristic Play Activities and are encouraged to try new things every day. Babies begin to build their vocabulary and understanding by learning the names/ phrases of everything in their daily routine including names of people, objects indoors and outdoors, food/ utensils, clothes, and toys. They also begin to learn to sing simple rhymes and songs.

Autumn 1 – My Body, My Senses
Autumn 2 – My Food
Spring 1 – My Animals
Spring 2 – My Family and Friends
Summer 1 – My Home and Garden

Children will develop a range of skills and learn new skills and language to include:

Autumn 1 – Marvellous me
Autumn 2 – Fabulous Food
Spring 1 – Amazing Animals
Spring 2 – World of Work
Summer 1 – Wonderful World
Summer 2 – Investigation and Imagination

Children will develop a range of skills and learn new skills and language to include: